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Dr. Tom Biller has been practicing as a Counseling/Clinical Psychologist in or near Cleveland since 1976. He enjoys interacting with people and helping them solve problems.  Dr. Biller has training in Psychoanalytic Theory, Rogerian Person Centered Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Existential Therapy and Gestalt Therapy. Further, he has worked with a multitude of types of people and problems. He was chief psychologist at a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility for 21 years providing assessments, therapy and staff consultation to the A&D Program and he directed the Sex Offender Treatment Program there for 5 years. In addition, Dr. Biller directed psychological services for a pain management program at East Ridge Hospital for 20 years with Richard Donaldson, MD orthopedic surgeon.  He also directed a child abuse treatment and prevention agency for 36 years. He has specialty training in psychopharmacology, biofeedback and relaxation training. Dr. Biller does individual therapy with older children up to and including mature adults. He has training in PTSD care and assessment. As a licensed marriage and family therapist, he works with traditional and blended families. His forensic training allows him to provide parenting assessments, child custody evaluations, competency to stand trial assessments, disability assessments and various professional court related services.


Dr. Biller is the author of three books: Simple Object Lessons for Children, 101 Therapeutic Illustrations and Devotionals, and A Christian Guide to Psychiatric Medication. Two of which are available for purchase in our office.

Dr. Biller's Credentials include:


Clinical and Counseling Health Service Provider Psychologist/Licensed Professional Counselor/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Board Certified Master Diplomate-Fellow in Psychopharmacology of the Prescribing Psychologists’ Register/Fellow American College of Advanced Practice Psychologists/Diplomate-Fellow in Forensic Psychology by the International College of Professional Psychology and the Prescribing Psychologist’s Register

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